Monday, January 26, 2009

And Now Presenting...

Jack loves to dance and I on the other hand have no coordination so therefore am not a good dancer. So you could say he gets his beautiful dances moves from his mother. I guess what I am trying to say is go easy on the kid he doesn't have that great of a teacher!


Valerie said...

What are you talking about? I see a Back Street boy in the making. Sophia loved watching the video. We watched several times.

Ry, Katie, Jack and Ella too! said...

Love the moves Jack! Are you guys coming home this summer? If you are we should try to get everyone together for an afternoon. It would be fun! Also send me your soup recipe- that sounds delicious! And by the way my whole neighborhood is begging for your cookie recipe- but I pretend it's mine-take all the credit and won't give it out- they think i'm a great baker!! :)