Wednesday, May 7, 2008

It's Potty Time!!

Well it is time to say goodbye to the diapers once and for all. I know it is going to be a struggle but I keep trying to picture the end goal. So far it has been hit and miss with the potty (mostly miss) The first two days it was going really well and then he got over it and no longer seems to care. As a bribe to use the potty I had bought some Geo Trax's (because we need more trains:)) and every time he would go I would give him a part of the Geo Trax's set. It worked beautifully until he got enough peices to play with and then did not care anymore. I have tried the potty videos, the sticker chart, candy, and most bribes that I can think if any of you mothers have any suggestions I am open to them. I took this picture because Jack loves his Geo Traxs so much that he has to sleep with them. This may turn into a very exspensive task if I have to buy more...


Lisa said...

I am totally laughing because that GeoTrax train set was Connor's Motivation to potty train :-).

What I did was show him the set and I told him he could have it after he went potty in the potty for week. I just kind of left it wear he could see it, and every time he asked about it, I told him again that he could have it when he was ready to go potty in the potty.

It took a couple of weeks but then he decided he was ready to give up diapers and it was pretty easy from there.

You may have to hold the video hostage or something until he goes for a few days in a row. Connor still loves to watch the video almost as much as he loves playing with his "Team Geo Trax" trains.

Good luck!

Ry, Katie, Jack and Ella too! said...

Oh so you haven't been eating ice cream all this time... you've just been trying to potty train! Good luck with that- Hopefully he will catch on soon! Are you guys still coming to visit?